Metadata >> NuGet >> RabidWarren.Binding >> 2.0.0-prerelease



Authors Ron Parker
Copyrights Copyright 2014, 2015 Ron Parker <>
Description A Property binding system implemented in a Portable Class Library
Owners Ron Parker
ReleaseNotes The major addition of this version is support for using Property Expressions in the place of property name strings. This reduces the risk of mistyping property names and should catch most mismatches at compile time. The exception being similarly named properties. The OnPropertyChangedEvent method has been deprecated in favor of RaisePropertyChanged. This was a design decision to avoid confusion as to whether On... methods fire or handle an event. From now on Raise... methods will fire an event and On... methods will handle them. So given the two changes above calls like OnPropertyChangedEvent("Text"); should be replaced with RaisePropertyChanged(() => Text); Currently OnPropertyChangedEvent is deprecated. It may be removed in version 3.0.0. Adding RaisePropertyChanged affects the INotifyingObject interface in a non-backward compatible manner, which is the reason for the major version bump to 2.0.0. The GetMemberName extension method was exposed publically so that user code could get the name of a property from a property expression. The GetProperty and SetProperty extension methods were added for getting and setting properties using property expressions to name them. SetProperty also calls RaisePropertyChanged and a setter action if and only if the value being set is different from the existing value of the property.
RequireLicenseAcceptance False
Dependencies RabidWarren.Collections:1.0.5499.35758
Title RabidWarren.Binding
PackageSize 60754
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash 6pwVWLEE4W2IK8YQc37B3hYf1ETMs7ofq7UEljW1hICjhmSw/MKZBxH2RmE9ZDKfuVlXal93Fsi9grHWnKWsug==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2015-06-14T22:50:21


You can access data for this version using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install RabidWarren.Binding -Version 2.0.0-prerelease -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install RabidWarren.Binding -Version 2.0.0-prerelease -Source
Deleting the package from the server (for each registered key):
nuget delete RabidWarren.Binding 2.0.0-prerelease %key% -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package RabidWarren.Binding -Version 2.0.0-prerelease -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package RabidWarren.Binding -Version 2.0.0-prerelease -Source


Installing the package:
o add-wrap RabidWarren.Binding -Version 2.0.0-prerelease
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap RabidWarren.Binding


A compilation is created for every set of binaries produced from a single unchanged set of sources in different compilation modes (Debug, Release), for different platforms (x86, x64) or targetting different frameworks.

Profile Mode Platform Related
AnyCPU Release .NETPortable,Version=v0.0,Profile=net45+sl50+win+wpa81+wp80+MonoAndroid10+xamarinios10+MonoTouch10 Binaries