Metadata >> NuGet >> MoreLinq.Portable >> 1.1.0



Authors MoreLINQ Developers
Description This project is a PCL port of MoreLINQ that enhances LINQ to Objects with the following methods: Acquire, AssertCount, Batch, Concat, Consume, DistinctBy, EquiZip, ExceptBy, Fold, ForEach, Generate, GenerateByIndex, GroupAdjacent, Index, MaxBy, MinBy, OrderedMerge, Pad, Pairwise, Pipe, Prepend, PreScan, Scan, SingleOrFallback, SkipUntil, Split, TakeEvery, TakeLast, TakeUntil, ToDelimitedString, ToHashSet, Zip, ZipLongest
Language en-US
Owners Jon Skeet, Atif Aziz, Anders Gustafsson
ReleaseNotes This PCL version of MoreLINQ is identical to the .NET version, except: * ToDataTable and Trace methods are omitted, * SequenceException is not serializable. PCL profile 328 is used, i.e. the following targets are supported: * .NET Framework 4 and higher * Windows 8 and higher * Windows Phone 8.1 * Windows Phone Silverlight 8 and higher * Silverlight 5 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS
RequireLicenseAcceptance False
Summary This project is a PCL port of MoreLINQ that enhances LINQ to Objects with extra methods, in a manner which keeps to the spirit of LINQ.
Tags linq extensions
Title MoreLINQ (Portable)
PackageSize 121136
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash nFooDMLxsdYyy2/4MH2NqgRkOTdhcxq8lX0mhBT2G0OoPKkO6XdhsI3wLBERjosR2b4Hsg/7fXup0SMsSZd8+Q==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2014-08-12T09:57:30


You can access data for this version using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install MoreLinq.Portable -Version 1.1.0 -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install MoreLinq.Portable -Version 1.1.0 -Source
Deleting the package from the server (for each registered key):
nuget delete MoreLinq.Portable 1.1.0 %key% -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package MoreLinq.Portable -Version 1.1.0 -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package MoreLinq.Portable -Version 1.1.0 -Source


Installing the package:
o add-wrap MoreLinq.Portable -Version 1.1.0
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap MoreLinq.Portable


A compilation is created for every set of binaries produced from a single unchanged set of sources in different compilation modes (Debug, Release), for different platforms (x86, x64) or targetting different frameworks.

Profile Mode Platform Related
AnyCPU Release .NETPortable,Version=v0.0,Profile=net4+sl5+netcore45+wpa81+wp8+MonoAndroid1+MonoTouch1 Binaries