Metadata >> NuGet >> Microsoft.OData.Client >> 6.0.0



Authors Microsoft Corporation
Description LINQ-enabled client API for issuing OData queries and consuming OData JSON payloads. Supports OData v4 only. Targets .NET 4.0, and .NET Portable Lib with support for .NET 4.5, SL 5.0, Win Phone 8, and Win 8. Localized for CHS, CHT, DEU, ESN, FRA, ITA, JPN, KOR and RUS.
Owners Microsoft Corporation
ReleaseNotes This release is the first version of the rebranded OData Client for .NET. Previously this library was known as the WCF Data Services client. The client has been rebranded to better reflect the functionality of the client. This version of the client includes the support described below for consuming OData v4 services. What is in the release? • Feature Parity This release supports the same set of features that were supported in version 5.6.0 of the WCF Data Services Client. This release supports OData v4 only and is not backwards compatible with OData versions 1-3. • Customizable code gen via T4 template This generation of the client has support for code generation using a customizable, parameterized T4 template rather than the previous code gen experience that was not customizable. • Enum support The client now has support for code generation of enum values and properties. • Singleton support The client now has support for code generation of singleton values. You can now compose a LINQ query using singleton values. • Containment support The client now has support for contained values. • JSON format as default The JSON format is now the default format requested by the client. Known Limitations • This release of the OData client targets functional equivalence with the 5.6.0 release as well as support for a few new features. This means that there are many new OData v4 features that are not supported yet in the client. • Although the OData client is capable of serializing the OData v4 Atom format, this functionality is not officially supported since the Atom specification has not yet made it to the CS02 stage.
RequireLicenseAcceptance True
Tags wcf data services odata odatalib edmlib spatial ef entity framework open protocol wcfds wcfdataservices dataservices
Dependencies Microsoft.OData.Core:[6.0.0]
Title OData Client for .NET
PackageSize 2684538
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash pNK6yFLESnL3kKsRT4LzgaKHMVRCgXaXMx88zewH37xs5oiDyRxH55/NKsxuYL32Zle5KwWiXyVyufJGbz38Rg==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2014-01-27T02:06:17


You can access data for this version using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install Microsoft.OData.Client -Version 6.0.0 -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install Microsoft.OData.Client -Version 6.0.0 -Source
Deleting the package from the server (for each registered key):
nuget delete Microsoft.OData.Client 6.0.0 %key% -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package Microsoft.OData.Client -Version 6.0.0 -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package Microsoft.OData.Client -Version 6.0.0 -Source


Installing the package:
o add-wrap Microsoft.OData.Client -Version 6.0.0
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap Microsoft.OData.Client


A compilation is created for every set of binaries produced from a single unchanged set of sources in different compilation modes (Debug, Release), for different platforms (x86, x64) or targetting different frameworks.

Profile Mode Platform Related
AnyCPU Release .NETFramework,Version=v4.0 Binaries
AnyCPU Release .NETPortable,Version=v0.0,Profile=net45+sl5+wp8+win8 Binaries