Metadata >> NuGet >> ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary



Authors ImaginaryRealities, LLC
Copyrights Copyright 2013 ImaginaryRealities, LLC
Description The Common Library contains classes and components that are reused often by ImaginaryRealities for developing our software products.
Language en-us
Owners ImaginaryRealities, LLC
ReleaseNotes Version 2.0.1 I removed the strong naming key from the framework assemblies. I reviewed the pros and cons of strong naming and decided that it doesn't fit in with the intended use of the framework and that the benefits to strong naming were non-existent. I changed the implementation of the Process Monitor integration code. The code now uses .NET safe handles instead of raw handles which should lead to less risk of handle leaks (although there was no evidence to suggest that there was a problem before; I just decided it was a better practice). I also fixed/updated some of the unit tests and increased code coverage. I created the ProcessMonitorException class. Exceptions that are reported by the Process Monitor framework will throw this exception instead of raw Exception objects. I updated the SemanticVersionNumber class to use version 2.0.0 of the Semantic Versioning Specification. The big change here is that the build number is no longer considered when comparing version numbers. Also, the algorithm for comparing pre-release version numbers was altered to match a change in the specification. Pre-release identifiers that are numbers have a lower precedence than alphanumeric identifiers.
RequireLicenseAcceptance True
Summary Classes and components that implement common behavior.
Title ImaginaryRealities Common Library
PackageSize 118134
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash NCXnGVW4yw7J3IkvpT15tXMhVWRKWBPuyuCxcdv5hih92rSI7132lbEuvJiclZz/9/1dAxZtlK3DIh0iJSV/tQ==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2013-11-17T19:00:19


You can access data for this project using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (search all configured feeds):
Install-Package ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary
Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary -Source
Uinstalling the package:
Uninstall-Package ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary


Installing the package:
o add-wrap ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap ImaginaryRealities.CommonLibrary


A version is snapshot of a project's source code. It does not need to follow the Major.Minor.Revision.Build numbering pattern. It can be an arbitrary string of text that identifies a release or a build, in particular including meaningful words like beta, RC or RTM.

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