Metadata >> NuGet >> Gridsum.DataflowEx >> 1.1.0



Authors karldodd
Copyrights Copyright 2014, Gridsum
Description Gridsum.DataflowEx is a high-level dataflow framework redesigned on top of Microsoft TPL Dataflow library with Object-Oriented Programming in mind. DataflowEx enables you to write reusable components and easily link them together as a high-level graph while still having the power of low level blocks from TPL Dataflow. Other cool features include: Dataflow lifecycle management, built-in dataflow health monitor, cyclic graph auto completion support, sql bulk insertion support, etc. Find more at
Owners karldodd
ReleaseNotes * 1.1.0 - Tutorial and documentation added. Also supports manual db column mapping registration. * 1.0.9.* - Built-in flows now respect given DataflowOptions wherever applicable. * 1.0.9 - Allows optional db column mapping. * 1.0.8 - Add DbDataJoiner to help lookup and populate a dimension table. Also comes with a new ring completion mechanism. * 1.0.7 - A better DataBrancher that supports multiple outputs. Add varbinary support for bulk insertion. * 1.0.6 - Optimize property accessor in bulk inserter. Add NoNullCheck attribute. * 1.0.5 - Add LogReader abstraction. Add basic circular dependency detection logic. * 1.0.4 - Add LinkLeftToError(). Enhance StatisticsRecorder indexer. Fix DataflowEvent ToString(). * 1.0.3 - RegisterChild() becomes public and defensive. * 1.0.2 - Add Dataflow.RegisterPostDataflowTask and Dataflow.RegisterCancellationTokenSource. StatisticsRecorder now supports event aggregation. * 1.0.1 - More extensible DbBulkInserter/MultiDbBulkInserter and exact matching for multi-match. * 1.0.0 - First release after 9 beta versions.
RequireLicenseAcceptance False
Summary Gridsum's dataflow framework built upon TPL Dataflow
Tags dataflow etl dataflowex block gridsum bulk insert
Dependencies C5:|Common.Logging:2.2.0|Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable:1.0.34|Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow:4.5.23
Title Gridsum.DataflowEx
PackageSize 202661
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash 7w4jGUZDbvXoWRN2ZgTIiF+Wufm/LrP4WKAACx44bUhvLfQ5gVT9tZqcOG5RhzzA1a6LFbnmPcuhFxq1RvCkDA==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2014-12-18T02:25:39


You can access data for this version using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install Gridsum.DataflowEx -Version 1.1.0 -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install Gridsum.DataflowEx -Version 1.1.0 -Source
Deleting the package from the server (for each registered key):
nuget delete Gridsum.DataflowEx 1.1.0 %key% -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package Gridsum.DataflowEx -Version 1.1.0 -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package Gridsum.DataflowEx -Version 1.1.0 -Source


Installing the package:
o add-wrap Gridsum.DataflowEx -Version 1.1.0
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap Gridsum.DataflowEx


A compilation is created for every set of binaries produced from a single unchanged set of sources in different compilation modes (Debug, Release), for different platforms (x86, x64) or targetting different frameworks.

Profile Mode Platform Related
AnyCPU Release .NETFramework,Version=v4.5 Binaries