Metadata >> NuGet >> CodeOnlyStoredProcedures >> 2.2.2-pre



Authors Abraham Heidebrecht
Description A library for easily calling Stored Procedures in .NET. Works great with Entity Framework Code First models. Code Only Stored Procedures will not create any Stored Procedures on your database. Instead, its aim is to make it easy to call your existing stored procedures by writing simple code.
Owners Abraham Heidebrecht
ReleaseNotes 2.2.2 Fixed bug where null values could not be passed in the dynamic syntax. 2.2.1 Fixed bug where Timespan and DateTimeOffset result columns would throw an exception. 2.2.0 Added ability to pass Table Valued Parameters in the dynamic syntax, and as a property via WithInput, without decorating the class with the TableValuedParameterAttribute. It will use the class name as the TableName, and dbo as the Schema. Added ability to return single rows from dynamic stored procedures in one line, so long as the stored procedure returns one or fewer items 2.1.0 Added ability to specify the order in which multiple result sets are returned for hierarchical models. Added global data transformers, that will be applied for all columns in all stored procedures. These should be specified before any StoredProcedure is created. Added option to enable numeric conversions for all numeric properties. This should be specified before any StoredProcedure is created. Fixed bug where System.Single (float in C#) property types could not be returned (it would throw an exception). Fixed bug where StoredProcedure<dynamic> would not apply any IDataTransformers specified. Fixed bug where expected columns that don't get returned were throwing an IndexOutOfRangeException instead of a StoredProcedureResultsException 2.0.0 Removed dependency on SQL Server for all stored procedures (except those that accept Table Valued Parameters) Results from the dynamic syntax can now be cast explicitly Result columns can be marked as optional, so if no value is returned, the execution will not fail. Stored Procedures can return dynamic (which will be an ExpandoObject, with all colums returned by the stored procedure as properties). Stored Procedures that return hierarchical objects as multiple result sets can now have their relationships automatically discovered Performance improvements 1.3.1 Fixed bug where none of the named properties of StoredProcedureParameterAttribute could be set on an object, because they were nullable. Fixed bug where calling a stored procedure that returns results asynchronously could block the calling thread. 1.3.0 Added StoredProcedure.Execute and StoredProcedure.ExecuteAsync methods to more explicitly control dynamic stored procedures. Added ability to specify an implementation of an interface, so a StoredProcedure can return an IEnumerable<interface> 1.2.1 Added better exception when a model is missing a public parameterless constructor. 1.2.0 Added a much cleaner syntax for calling stored procedures, by using dynamic objects. 1.1.0 Improved exceptions so that it is easier to determine why the data returned doesn't map to your model correctly. Now ignores read-only properties, so they don't have to be attributed with [NotMapped] 1.0.1 Fixed bug where calling a stored procedure within a Task that was executing on the SynchronizationContext could cause a deadlock.
RequireLicenseAcceptance False
Tags StoredProcedure EntityFramework EF
Dependencies EntityFramework:6.1.3:net40|::net45
Title Code Only Stored Proecedures
PackageSize 573904
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash XLx69a7U5GpHzihDUcGKNDsM2ns9Ew+ary9N4P9tuWI17zQp2f3VtfokyOcIGoyE99rQMOvAq359Q8lsKaV2Vg==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2015-06-20T15:56:01


You can access data for this version using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install CodeOnlyStoredProcedures -Version 2.2.2-pre -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install CodeOnlyStoredProcedures -Version 2.2.2-pre -Source
Deleting the package from the server (for each registered key):
nuget delete CodeOnlyStoredProcedures 2.2.2-pre %key% -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package CodeOnlyStoredProcedures -Version 2.2.2-pre -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package CodeOnlyStoredProcedures -Version 2.2.2-pre -Source


Installing the package:
o add-wrap CodeOnlyStoredProcedures -Version 2.2.2-pre
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap CodeOnlyStoredProcedures


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Profile Mode Platform Related
AnyCPU Release .NETFramework,Version=v4.0 Binaries
AnyCPU Release .NETFramework,Version=v4.5 Binaries