Metadata >> NuGet >> GeoNorgeAPI >>


Authors Arkitektum AS
Copyrights Copyright 2014 Kartverket
Description API for communicating with the CSW-service running at
Owners Arkitektum AS
ReleaseNotes 2.5.7: Fix bug causing bounding box for series and software not being read and saved correct. 2.5.6: Always return dataset identification element, regardless of hierarchyLevel. 2.5.5: Save bounding box regardless of hierarchyLevel. 2.5.4: Fix bug in Keyword GetPrefix-method. 2.5.3: Fix various problems mapping extent element. 2.5.2: Add prefix method to SimpleKeyword. 2.5.1: Add mapping for english translation of keywords. 2.5.0: Add ability to send additional http headers in csw transactions. 2.4.9: Allow parsing of decimal numbers with exponential components. 2.4.8: Add mapping for SpecificUsage. 2.4.7: Fix wrong mapping of distribution info and spatial representation. 2.4.6: Fix problem saving TopicCategory and Supplemental Description. 2.4.5: Fix decimal parsing in various cultures. 2.4.4: Fix exception when adding duplicate keywords. 2.4.3: Fix null reference in thumbnail mapping. 2.4.2: Fix problem saving keywords on newly created metadata. 2.4.1: Use norwegian CSW endpoint. 2.4.0: Use HTTP Basic authentication on CSW transactions with GeoNetwork 2.10.3. 2.3.0: Add new search method 2.2.20: Remove string replacement in search method. 2.2.19: Fix issue with containsOperations. 2.2.18: Add containsOperations when creating new service metadata. 2.2.17: Fix error when parsing metadata updated date. 2.2.16: Fix null reference when creating service. 2.2.15: Add mandatory fields when creating empty service. 2.2.14: Use only date part when serializing dates. 2.2.13: Adjust date serialization. 2.2.12: Generate UUID when creating metadata. 2.2.11: Add english organization name to SimpleContact. 2.2.10: Add metadata contact. 2.2.9: Add mapping for english abstract. 2.2.8: Fix duplicate package issue. 2.2.7: Add method for setting additional locale. 2.2.6: Add mapping for english title. 2.2.5: Turn off sort by title as default. New parameter in search method to turn it on. 2.2.4: Add sort by title to all search requests. 2.2.3: Add name to DistributionDetails in SimpleMetadata. 2.2.2: Fix NullReference when running metadata update transaction. 2.2.1: Mappings for OperatesOn in ServiceIdentification. 2.2.0: Add static factory methods to SimpleMetadata for creating new Dataset or Service Metadata from scratch. 2.1.1: Add missing class. Updated default endpoint to use SSL for all communcation with 2.1.0: New signature for CSW transaction methods: insert, update and delete. Identifiers are now properly returned in the response object. 2.0.8: Mappings for keywords. 2.0.7: Add keyword constants for thesaurus and type. 2.0.6: Mappings for resource constraints. 2.0.5: Mappings for geographical bounding box. 2.0.4: Mappings for metadata language, standard and version 2.0.3: Mappings for various date fields. 2.0.2: Mappings for data quality. 2.0.1: Fix null reference exception in distribution format version. 2.0.0: Mapping of distribution fields. 1.9: Use file description instead of file type when mapping thumbnails in SimpleMetadata. 1.8: More mappings in SimpleMetadata. TopicCategory, Thumbnails, Product specification and more. 1.7: Add extra search method, which returns ISO 19139 instead of Dublin Core records. 1.6: More fields added to the SimpleMetadata model. Removing SimpleMetadata from API-methods to allow more loose coupling and avoid duplicating methods. 1.5: Add limit parameter on search methods to control the number of records returned. 1.4.5: Whitespace in organisation names is now properly transformed to csw singlechar attribute.
RequireLicenseAcceptance False
Tags geonorge gis metadata api csw
Dependencies Arkitektum.GIS.Lib.MetadataCSW:1.4.5175.32353|Arkitektum.GIS.Lib.SerializeUtil:|log4net:2.0.3
Title GeoNorgeAPI
PackageSize 73829
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash ZD2fsXNLP45P7feheLUwUluJdNTm+784ysIEJ9opOZMtV44GLDH2jLWrmGxhmfiJasZSXJBPDcCxZP/xf5xA7g==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2014-09-23T13:57:03


You can access data for this version using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install GeoNorgeAPI -Version -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install GeoNorgeAPI -Version -Source
Deleting the package from the server (for each registered key):
nuget delete GeoNorgeAPI %key% -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package GeoNorgeAPI -Version -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package GeoNorgeAPI -Version -Source


Installing the package:
o add-wrap GeoNorgeAPI -Version
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap GeoNorgeAPI


A compilation is created for every set of binaries produced from a single unchanged set of sources in different compilation modes (Debug, Release), for different platforms (x86, x64) or targetting different frameworks.

Profile Mode Platform Related
AnyCPU Release .NETFramework,Version=v4.5 Binaries