Metadata >> NuGet >> ExcelReader



Authors Anthony Desa
Copyrights Copyright 2015
Description Excel Reader will allow developers to read excel file within 3 lines of code
Owners Anthony Desa
ReleaseNotes 1). Allow reading different excel sheet i.e. obj.Sheet(2) will allow to read second sheet (default is sheet(1)) 2). New Method obj.RowCount() return the number of active rows in selected sheet 3). New Method obj.ColumnCount() return the number of active columns in selected sheet 4). New Method obj.SheetCount() return the number of sheets in excel file 5). New Method obj.SheetNames() return IList of string collection of all names of the sheet in excel file 6). New Method obj.HeaderNames() return IList of string collection of all names of header in first excel sheet
RequireLicenseAcceptance False
Tags ExcelReader Dynamics IterativeDesignPattern
Title ExcelReader
PackageSize 19428
PackageHashAlgorithm SHA512
PackageHash 5buLZMNnY3j4I0WYizbaaqAQAPcujG/TBe59YVbTX3/59k2R8/efxTunXzquFP5kRL/kwYuodP5ak+Ma9mLwsg==
DownloadCount 000000
CreatedDate 2015-06-13T15:25:17


You can access data for this project using the tools and addresses described below.

NuGet (nuget.exe)

Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
nuget install ExcelReader -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
nuget install ExcelReader -Source

NuGet (Package Manager Console)

Installing the package (search all configured feeds):
Install-Package ExcelReader
Installing the package (HTTP Basic authentication):
Install-Package ExcelReader -Source
Installing the package (pre-authenticated):
Install-Package ExcelReader -Source
Uinstalling the package:
Uninstall-Package ExcelReader


Installing the package:
o add-wrap ExcelReader
Uninstalling the package:
o remove-wrap ExcelReader


A version is snapshot of a project's source code. It does not need to follow the Major.Minor.Revision.Build numbering pattern. It can be an arbitrary string of text that identifies a release or a build, in particular including meaningful words like beta, RC or RTM.

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